Corporate Social Responsibility

As an effort to align the Company’s business continuity with the improvement of the welfare of the community and the surrounding environment, the company consistently runs CSR programs and activities. The company believes that social and environmental performance has the same important role as economic aspects.

  1. Environmental Aspects As a form of concern for the environment, the Company and its subsidiaries always pay attention to the maintenance of green space, the air conditioning system in the building, and the recycling of waste and rubbish.
  2. Social and Community Development Aspects The company is committed to building a business that provides benefits for the development of every social element in the community.
  3. Goods and Services Responsibility Aspects The Company is committed to maintaining its reputation and ensuring that all customers of Company’s products and services can benefit positively.
    To increase trust and obtain input on product quality and respond to complaints from several customers, including the process of requesting unit move, requests for handover, requests for unit repairs and other matters related to customer satisfaction, the Company responded to several input and complaints from customers and continued to maintain good relations with customers in order to keep and improve the Company’s performance to the fullest. For these matters, the Company implemented a mechanism for customer complaints, so the Company could continue to carry out evaluations and appropriate corrective measures to ensure that all products and services were able to provide maximum results and benefits for customers.
  4. Labor Practices, Health, and Occupational Safety Aspects As a form of efforts to meet occupational health and safety (K3) standards, the Company always conducts regular audits of employee conditions. In addition, all employees are always equipped with adequate safety equipment in accordance with the tasks performed.